Formatting conventions
Formatting conventions for Tekton documentation
Tekton documentation uses Markdown to format the content. See the CommonMark tutorial to learn the basics.
Tekton markdown formatting conventions:
- Capitalize the first word for each item.
- Don’t put a period at the end of each item in lists containing only nouns or single-word items.
- Use sentence punctuation in any other case.
Code Format
Use code formatting when referencing API objects, commands, files and directories.
Use angle brackets for placeholders such as variables. For example:
kubectl apply -f <pipeline-file>
Markdown files
- Hard-wrap the file lines so they are not longer than 80 characters.
- Use reference-style links if the URL in the link is too long. There’s no specific URL length, use your best judgement to keep markdown files readable.
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Last modified September 23, 2022: Create vendor docs folder (54b6144)