

This doc provides a list of features in Tekton Pipelines that are being deprecated.

Deprecation Table

Feature Being Deprecated Deprecation Announcement API Compatibility Policy Earliest Date or Release of Removal
PipelineResources are deprecated, along with the components of the API that rely on them as proposed in TEP-0074 See Deprecated PipelineResources related features for more info. v0.30.0 Alpha Dec 20 2021
PipelineRun.Timeout is deprecated and will be removed v0.36.0 Beta Feb 25, 2023
Several fields of Task.Step are deprecated v0.36.0 Beta Feb 25, 2023
v1alpha1.Run is deprecated, feature flag enable-custom-task is removed in v0.44.0, custom-task-version will be removed together with v1alpha1.Run v0.43.0 Alpha April 10, 2023 or v0.47.0
ClusterTask is deprecated v0.41.0 Beta July 13, 2023
pipelineRef.bundle and taskRef.bundle are deprecated v0.41.0 Alpha July 13, 2023
The config-trusted-resources configMap is deprecated v0.45.0 Alpha v0.46.0

The following features are deprecated as part of the deprecation of PipelineResources. See TEP-0074 for more information.