
⚠️ PipelineResources are deprecated.

Consider using replacement features instead. Read more in documentation and TEP-0074.

PipelineResources in a pipeline are the set of objects that are going to be used as inputs to a Task and can be output by a Task.

A Task can have multiple inputs and outputs.

For example:

  • A Task’s input could be a GitHub source which contains your application code.
  • A Task’s output can be your application container image which can be then deployed in a cluster.
  • A Task’s output can be a jar file to be uploaded to a storage bucket.

Note: PipelineResources have not been promoted to Beta in tandem with Pipeline’s other CRDs. This means that the level of support for PipelineResources remains Alpha. PipelineResources are now deprecated.**

For Beta-supported alternatives to PipelineResources see the v1alpha1 to v1beta1 migration guide which lists each PipelineResource type and a suggested option for replacing it.

For more information on why PipelineResources are remaining alpha see the description of their problems, along with next steps, below.


To define a configuration file for a PipelineResource, you can specify the following fields:

  • Required:
    • apiVersion - Specifies the API version, for example tekton.dev/v1alpha1.
    • kind - Specify the PipelineResource resource object.
    • metadata - Specifies data to uniquely identify the PipelineResource object, for example a name.
    • spec - Specifies the configuration information for your PipelineResource resource object.
      • type - Specifies the type of the PipelineResource
  • Optional:
    • description - Description of the Resource.
    • params - Parameters which are specific to each type of PipelineResource
    • optional - Boolean flag to mark a resource optional (by default, optional is set to false making resources mandatory).

Using Resources

⚠️ PipelineResources are deprecated.

Consider using replacement features instead. Read more in documentation and TEP-0074.

Resources can be used in Tasks.

Input resources, like source code (git) or artifacts, are dumped at path /workspace/task_resource_name within a mounted volume and are available to all steps of your Task. The path that the resources are mounted at can be overridden with the targetPath field. Steps can use the pathvariable substitution key to refer to the local path to the mounted resource.

Variable substitution

Task specs can refer resource params as well as predefined variables such as path using the variable substitution syntax below where <name> is the resource’s name and <key> is one of the resource’s params:

In Task Spec:

For an input resource in a Task spec: shell $(resources.inputs.<name>.<key>)

Or for an output resource:


Accessing local path to resource

The path key is predefined and refers to the local path to a resource on the mounted volume shell $(resources.inputs.<name>.path)

Controlling where resources are mounted

The optional field targetPath can be used to initialize a resource in a specific directory. If targetPath is set, the resource will be initialized under /workspace/targetPath. If targetPath is not specified, the resource will be initialized under /workspace. The following example demonstrates how git input repository could be initialized in $GOPATH to run tests:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: task-with-input
  namespace: default
      - name: workspace
        type: git
        targetPath: go/src/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline
    - name: unit-tests
      image: golang
      command: ["go"]
        - "test"
        - "./..."
      workingDir: "/workspace/go/src/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline"
        - name: GOPATH
          value: /workspace/go

Overriding where resources are copied from

When specifying input and output PipelineResources, you can optionally specify paths for each resource. paths will be used by TaskRun as the resource’s new source paths i.e., copy the resource from a specified list of paths. TaskRun expects the folder and contents to be already present in specified paths. The paths feature could be used to provide extra files or altered version of existing resources before the execution of steps.

The output resource includes the name and reference to the pipeline resource and optionally paths. paths will be used by TaskRun as the resource’s new destination paths i.e., copy the resource entirely to specified paths. TaskRun will be responsible for the creation of required directories and content transition. The paths feature could be used to inspect the results of TaskRun after the execution of steps.

paths feature for input and output resources is heavily used to pass the same version of resources across tasks in context of PipelineRun.

In the following example, Task and TaskRun are defined with an input resource, output resource and step, which builds a war artifact. After the execution of TaskRun(volume-taskrun), custom volume will have the entire resource java-git-resource (including the war artifact) copied to the destination path /custom/workspace/.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: volume-task
  namespace: default
      - name: workspace
        type: git
      - name: workspace
    - name: build-war
      image: objectuser/run-java-jar #https://hub.docker.com/r/objectuser/run-java-jar/
      command: jar
      args: ["-cvf", "projectname.war", "*"]
        - name: custom-volume
          mountPath: /custom
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TaskRun
  name: volume-taskrun
  namespace: default
    name: volume-task
      - name: workspace
          name: java-git-resource
      - name: workspace
          - /custom/workspace/
          name: java-git-resource
      - name: custom-volume
        emptyDir: {}

Resource Status

When resources are bound inside a TaskRun, they can include extra information in the TaskRun Status.ResourcesResult field. This information can be useful for auditing the exact resources used by a TaskRun later. Currently the Image and Git resources use this mechanism.

For an example of what this output looks like:

  - key: digest
    value: sha256:a08412a4164b85ae521b0c00cf328e3aab30ba94a526821367534b81e51cb1cb
    resourceName: skaffold-image-leeroy-web


The description field is an optional field and can be used to provide description of the Resource.

Optional Resources

By default, a resource is declared as mandatory unless optional is set to true for that resource. Resources declared as optional in a Task does not have be specified in TaskRun.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: task-check-optional-resources
      - name: git-repo
        type: git
        optional: true

Similarly, resources declared as optional in a Pipeline does not have to be specified in PipelineRun.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
  name: pipeline-build-image
    - name: workspace
      type: git
      optional: true
    - name: check-workspace
# ...

You can refer to different examples demonstrating usage of optional resources in Task and Pipeline:

Resource Types

Git Resource

The git resource represents a git repository, that contains the source code to be built by the pipeline. Adding the git resource as an input to a Task will clone this repository and allow the Task to perform the required actions on the contents of the repo.

To create a git resource using the PipelineResource CRD:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineResource
  name: wizzbang-git
  namespace: default
  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/wizzbangcorp/wizzbang.git
    - name: revision
      value: master

Params that can be added are the following:

  1. url: represents the location of the git repository, you can use this to change the repo, e.g. to use a fork

  2. revision: Git revision (branch, tag, commit SHA or ref) to clone. You can use this to control what commit or branch is used. git checkout is used to switch to the revision, and will result in a detached HEAD in most cases. Use refspec along with revision if you want to checkout a particular branch without a detached HEAD. If no revision is specified, the resource inspects remote repository to determine the correct default branch.

  3. refspec: (Optional) specify a git refspec to pass to git-fetch. Note that if this field is specified, it must specify all refs, branches, tags, or commits required to checkout the specified revision. An additional fetch will not be run to obtain the contents of the revision field. If no refspec is specified, the value of the revision field will be fetched directly. The refspec is useful in manipulating the repository in several cases:

    • when the server does not support fetches via the commit SHA (i.e. does not have uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant enabled) and you want to fetch and checkout a specific commit hash from a ref chain.

    • when you want to fetch several other refs alongside your revision (for instance, tags)

    • when you want to checkout a specific branch, the revision and refspec fields can work together to be able to set the destination of the incoming branch and switch to the branch.


      • Check out a specified revision commit SHA1 after fetching ref (detached)
          revision: cb17eba165fe7973ef9afec20e7c6971565bd72f
          refspec: refs/smoke/myref
      • Fetch all tags alongside refs/heads/master and switch to the master branch (not detached)
          revision: master
          refspec: “refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master”
      • Fetch the develop branch and switch to it (not detached)
          revision: develop
          refspec: refs/heads/develop:refs/heads/develop
      • Fetch refs/pull/1009/head into the master branch and switch to it (not detached)
          revision: master
          refspec: refs/pull/1009/head:refs/heads/master
  4. submodules: defines if the resource should initialize and fetch the submodules, value is either true or false. If not specified, this will default to true

  5. depth: performs a shallow clone where only the most recent commit(s) will be fetched. This setting also applies to submodules. If set to '0', all commits will be fetched. If not specified, the default depth is 1.

  6. sslVerify: defines if http.sslVerify should be set to true or false in the global git config. Defaults to true if omitted.

When used as an input, the Git resource includes the exact commit fetched in the resourceResults section of the taskRun’s status object:

  - key: commit
    value: 6ed7aad5e8a36052ee5f6079fc91368e362121f7
    resourceName: skaffold-git

Using a fork

The Url parameter can be used to point at any git repository, for example to use a GitHub fork at master:

  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/bobcatfish/wizzbang.git

Using a branch

The revision can be any git commit-ish (revision). You can use this to create a git PipelineResource that points at a branch, for example:

  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/wizzbangcorp/wizzbang.git
    - name: revision
      value: some_awesome_feature

To point at a pull request, you can use the pull requests’s branch:

  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/wizzbangcorp/wizzbang.git
    - name: revision
      value: refs/pull/52525/head

Using HTTP/HTTPS Proxy

The httpProxy and httpsProxy parameter can be used to proxy non-SSL/SSL requests, for example to use an enterprise proxy server for SSL requests:

  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/bobcatfish/wizzbang.git
    - name: httpsProxy
      value: "my-enterprise.proxy.com"

Using No Proxy

The noProxy parameter can be used to opt out of proxying, for example, to not proxy HTTP/HTTPS requests to no.proxy.com:

  type: git
    - name: url
      value: https://github.com/bobcatfish/wizzbang.git
    - name: noProxy
      value: "no.proxy.com"

Note: httpProxy, httpsProxy, and noProxy are all optional but no validation done if all three are specified.

Storage Resource

The storage resource represents blob storage, that contains either an object or directory. Adding the storage resource as an input to a Task will download the blob and allow the Task to perform the required actions on the contents of the blob.

Only blob storage type Google Cloud Storage(gcs) is supported as of now via GCS storage resource.

GCS Storage Resource

The gcs storage resource points to Google Cloud Storage blob.

To create a GCS type of storage resource using the PipelineResource CRD:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineResource
  name: wizzbang-storage
  namespace: default
  type: storage
    - name: type
      value: gcs
    - name: location
      value: gs://some-bucket
    - name: dir
      value: "y" # This can have any value to be considered "true"

Params that can be added are the following:

  1. location: represents the location of the blob storage.

  2. type: represents the type of blob storage. For GCS storage resource this value should be set to gcs.

  3. dir: represents whether the blob storage is a directory or not. By default a storage artifact is not considered a directory.

    • If the artifact is a directory then -r(recursive) flag is used, to copy all files under the source directory to a GCS bucket. Eg: gsutil cp -r source_dir/* gs://some-bucket
    • If an artifact is a single file like a zip or tar, then the copy will be only 1 level deep(not recursive). It will not trigger a copy of sub directories in the source directory. Eg: gsutil cp source.tar gs://some-bucket.tar.

Private buckets can also be configured as storage resources. To access GCS private buckets, service accounts with correct permissions are required. The secrets field on the storage resource is used for configuring this information. Below is an example on how to create a storage resource with a service account.

  1. Refer to the official documentation on how to create service accounts and configuring IAM permissions to access buckets.

  2. Create a Kubernetes secret from a downloaded service account json key

    kubectl create secret generic bucket-sa --from-file=./service_account.json
  3. To access the GCS private bucket environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS should be set, so apply the above created secret to the GCS storage resource under the fieldName key.

    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PipelineResource
      name: wizzbang-storage
      namespace: default
      type: storage
        - name: type
          value: gcs
        - name: location
          value: gs://some-private-bucket
        - name: dir
          value: "y"
          secretName: bucket-sa
          secretKey: service_account.json

Why Aren’t PipelineResources in Beta?

The short answer is that they’re not ready to be given a Beta level of support by Tekton’s developers. The long answer is, well, longer:

  • Their behaviour can be opaque.

    They’re implemented as a mixture of injected Task Steps, volume configuration and type-specific code in Tekton Pipeline’s controller. This means errors from PipelineResources can manifest in quite a few different ways and it’s not always obvious whether an error directly relates to PipelineResource behaviour. This problem is compounded by the fact that, while our docs explain each Resource type’s “happy path”, there never seems to be enough info available to explain error cases sufficiently.

  • When they fail they’re difficult to debug.

    Several PipelineResources inject their own Steps before a Task's Steps. It’s extremely difficult to manually insert Steps before them to inspect the state of a container before they run.

  • There aren’t enough of them.

    The six types of existing PipelineResources only cover a tiny subset of the possible systems and side-effects we want to support with Tekton Pipelines.

  • Adding extensibility to them makes them really similar to Tasks:

    • User-definable Steps? This is what Tasks provide.
    • User-definable params? Tasks already have these.
    • User-definable “resource results”? Tasks have Task Results.
    • Sharing data between Tasks using PVCs? workspaces provide this for Tasks.
  • They make Tasks less reusable.

    • A Task has to choose the type of PipelineResource it will accept.
    • If a Task accepts a git PipelineResource then it’s not able to accept a gcs PipelineResource from a TaskRun or PipelineRun even though both the git and gcs PipelineResources fetch files. They should technically be interchangeable: all they do is write files from somewhere remote onto disk. Yet with the existing PipelineResources implementation they aren’t interchangeable.

They also present challenges from a documentation perspective:

  • Their purpose is ambiguous and it’s difficult to articulate what the CRD is precisely for.
  • Four of the types interact with external systems (git, pull-request, gcs, gcs-build).
  • Five of them write files to a Task’s disk (git, pull-request, gcs, gcs-build, cluster).
  • One tells the Pipelines controller to emit CloudEvents to a specific endpoint (cloudEvent).
  • One writes config to disk for a Task to use (cluster).
  • One writes a digest in one Task and then reads it back in another Task (image).
  • Perhaps the one thing you can say about the PipelineResource CRD is that it can create side-effects for your Tasks.

What’s still missing

So what are PipelineResources still good for? We think we’ve identified some of the most important things:

  1. You can augment Task-only workflows with PipelineResources that, without them, can only be done with Pipelines.
    • For example, let’s say you want to checkout a git repo for your Task to test. You have two options. First, you could use a git PipelineResource and add it directly to your test Task. Second, you could write a Pipeline that has a git-clone Task which checks out the code onto a PersistentVolumeClaim workspace and then passes that PVC workspace to your test Task. For a lot of users the second workflow is totally acceptable but for others it isn’t. Some of the most notable reasons we’ve heard are:
      • Some users simply cannot allocate storage on their platform, meaning PersistentVolumeClaims are out of the question.
      • Expanding a single Task workflow into a Pipeline is labor-intensive and feels unnecessary.
  2. Despite being difficult to explain the whole CRD clearly each individual type is relatively easy to explain.
    • For example, users can build a pretty good “hunch” for what a git PipelineResource is without really reading any docs.
  3. Configuring CloudEvents to be emitted by the Tekton Pipelines controller.
    • Work is ongoing to get notifications support into the Pipelines controller which should hopefully be able to replace the cloudEvents PipelineResource.

For each of these there is some amount of ongoing work or discussion. We have deprecated PipelineResources and are actively working to cover the missing replacement features. Read more about the deprecation in TEP-0074.

For Beta-supported alternatives to PipelineResources see the v1alpha1 to v1beta1 migration guide which lists each PipelineResource type and a suggested option for replacing it.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.